Saturday, April 26, 2008

Tawhid Concept in Child - It's a FITRAH :)

Yes... I'm worry too much... I'm worry that I didn't put enough effort to teach my child the concept of tawhid... every time I explained to Hanna, dia buat 'donno' jer. No reaction or anything... Tapi bila aku cakap pasal hantu sket... tau pulak takut minah ni...

Until I came across this article "ANTARA TUHAN DAN HANTU" during my blog hopping recently... I don't think I have to worry too much anymore. Indeed... I feel confident now with my explanations and techniques, and will continue to teach and nurture my child at the best of my ability.

Thanks to Kak Zura for her frequently forwarded emails (dgn topic yg pelbagai sampai tak kuasa aku nak baca...), which eventually lead me to It's another cool blog about Islam... my reading recommendation to everyone.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I Feel Unease...


  • I still have sooo much to read... and to understand... and to memorize of all 3 subjects... and I feel like I don't have enough time for all that coz my exams is another 9 days more to go!! urrggghh!!... that cleary shows how bad my time management is.... huhuhuh :(
  • I've had frequent dreams of my Emak in my sleep lately... not nightmare or bad dreams though... but every time I tried to talk to her in my dreams, my voice got stuck in my throat and she faded away. Few attempts of calling her during the day... but not answered... iskkk.. lagi la rasa tak best!!!
  • Managed to call Emak this morning... and she told me about her pain in the head... She suspected that the cancer is attacking her brain again!!! Ohhh!!! NOOOOO!!!!!! Ya Allah!!.. selamatkan lah mak aku!!!!... :(

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

"Puding Sedap Aku"

Akhirnyaaa..... hahahah... dapat jugak aku custard flour yg ku idam2kan selama ini. Thank you Mak Aya, tolong bawakkan hari tu. I really appriciate it very much. Kpd sesapa yg nak datang NYC... kontek2 la aku ni... nak kirim lagi tepung custard barang 5 -6 bungkus. Hari tu silap pesan kat Mak Aya sebungkus jer.

Ranyaahhh.... aku telah berjaya juga akhirnya membuat resipi "Puding Sedap Aku" ko tuh... aku modify sket tambah esen vanilla (Mak Aya bagi jugak...) and guna fresh milk instead of condensed milk. Sedap koo (lagi sedap drp ko buat kot?! ;p)... sehingga menjilat sudusss... heheheh.... kira terrer gak la aku buat... (serta-merta aku telah menjadi kerek lagi poyo!!.. ehekss...). Aku sengaja buat kuah dia tak pekat sgt. Aku tak letak telur pun... (hehh... sure abah tak suka sbb kuah tak pekat!). Kira nih my MIL bleh layan la... sbb tak de telur.

Sorry la Mak Aya, tak sempat buat hari tu while u were here... kita kan were the very bz gitu... dan aku tak beranik nak suh nenet buat. Lihat saja apa yg telah terjadi pada Triple Chocolate Moist ku itusss... tu baru suh dia letak topping... jadi huru-hara dah rope kek akuh!!.. seb baik ko sudi nak telan... kehh..kehh!!!

Original recipe of "Puding Sedap Aku" yg diperturunkan oleh Hik adalah seperti berikut (ni cut n paste terus drp email dia ok... takde modify punyerr...):

Hik wrote...
"1 mug tepung kastard + 7 mug air (sukatan ni pakai tin kastard lagi senang) kacau jek atas api sampai penat (dari warna oren jadik warna kuning)... jgn tinggal, nanti ketul...
Masukkan susu manis (lebih kurang 2 senduk nasik) + jagung (suku tin) + fruit coctail (suku tin) + susu cair (suku tin) + gula pasir (2 senduk nasik) = kacau sampai mendidih.
Tuang dalam bekas (aku pakai bekas aiskrim). Bila dah sejuk, masuk fridge.

Periuk yg ada balance tepung2 tadi ko tambah belen susu cair + belen jagung tin + air 7 mug = kacau atas api + sebijik telur ayam yang dah dipukul. kalau tak pukul dulu nanti ketul. jadik macam kuah mee bandung pulak. + gula pasir + susu manis + belen fruit coctail. rasa2 le. kalu nak tambah manis taruk lebih gula ke...

Ada orang buat puding jek. lepas tu curah terus susu cair ngan coctail atas dia bila nak hidang. lagik senang."

Sekian, selamat mencuba.... terima kasih.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring Is Coming....

Grasses are green... (squirrel ni sebok interframe pulak...)
leaves are growing...

flowers are blooming...

... and I'm LOVING it!!!...

The spring is here! Not too hot... and not too cold.. hhmmm lovely!! And we were strolling @ CENTRAL PARK again.... (dgn perasaan ku yg agak cuak sbb syllabus tak abis lagi... exam lagi 2 minggu.. halamakss!!!). As usual... Hanna adalah orang yg paling gumbira.. lalalaa... :)

p/s: Mak Aya... kalo ko dtg time2 mcm ni... tak de la kite menjadi BEKU kat atas Empire State Building hari tu.... hehehehee... I'll put that entry later lah ye...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hanna Goes to School!!

The Co-op Pre-School representative called me. Somebody has moved out so there was a spot for Hanna and she may begin immediately... no need to wait until new intake in Sept 08. Hanna sungguh terkinja2 nak pegi skolah malam tu... can't wait till tomorrow. I was also excited... as I'm gonna be the helper mom (teacher's assistant) for the 1st time.
Hanna's new schedule goes like this:
  • School days - Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9.30am to 12.30pm (best tak?! 3x jer seminggu... and the fee, $172/month... plus $86 once a year. Believe me... that's the cheapest in town!!)
  • Art & Craft class - Wednesday 4.00pm
  • Story telling session - Thursday 2.00pm

Tried to get her as busy as I could so that she won't be clinging at me too much. Thought of enrolling her to the music class every Tuesday and Friday... tapi Abaji didn't approve!!... nanti leka main music je... jadi mcm Mak, eh tak... mcm Kassim Selamat!!.. Kelas mengaji kat Masjid East 96th Street tu tak terima budak 3 thn... aci tak cenggitu??! And of course spiritual activities has to be continuously taugh at home.

One thing I like about this school... it's a small group of children fully run by parents-teacher. Parents and teacher sit together and go through the syllabus and the teaching program. Every session must be attended by a helper mom on rotation basis whose child being taught in the class. And I already got my schedule to be the helper mom too. Kena jaga 6 kali sampai abis sem.

Frankly, I felt so blessed to be able to get involve directly with my daughter's formal learning process. I felt safe and secure to see my daughter learn and socialize in front of my eyes (although I cannot supervise the class everyday...). At least I'll have some ideas if I decided to homeschooling my children one day (hhmm... tak abis2 berangan nak homeschooling...). In 2003, there's more than 1 million of homeschooled children in the US. Well, maybe I would be able to do so if we continue to stay in the US forever (chehh... berangan lagi...).


I'm BACK!!!

Hi!! Miss me huh?... (heheheh perasan). Oh... dah sebulan rupanya tak update blog ni. Was in the long marathon in completing my projects and assignments, just in time when Mak Aya came to visit me. I had great time spending with Mak Aya for almost 2 weeks!! Aku dgn rasminye telah menjadi tourist guide yg tak bertauliah kat sini. Huru-hara jugak nak membaca map subway... Sorry la Mak Aya for any inconvenience while you were here. Just got back form Orlando, Florida recently. Reason being... teman Mak Aya conference kat sana... sambil suka ria... dan menenangkan fikirian (konon...) dan berlepak-lepakkan... dan berindu-rinduan dgn Hanna dan Abaji di NYC.

The original plan was only to visit Seaworld and Universal Studios. Sekali tu... jeng..jengg...jengg... bila sampai sana tengok ade Orlando Premium Outlet dekat ngan hotel. Hehehehe... bak kata one of my friend... "penyakit dah mai dah"... maka tebuntang lah biji mata ku tengok COACH punye la murah... (tak de la murah sgt... but very much cheaper than KL!!!). Oleh kerana teringatkan rakan2 and sanak saudara di Malaysia yg mungkin berminat memiliki original COACH dgn harga yg lebih murah dan berpatutan... so aku telah memborong la setengah dozen handbags itusss!!.. ingatkan nak beli lebih... tapi sendri mau ingat la... excess luggage nak kena bayar... sengatt giler. So hanya ini lah yg dpt ku beli utk rakan taulan di Malaysia. Ingat nak mintak Mak Aya bawakkan balik Malaysia. Ohh.. tak terbawa olehnye sbb dia sendirik telah terhuyung-hanyang nak bwk her belongings. So, nak tak nak terpaksa la post to Mak Aya... mmg menyengat postage cost. But all in all… the bags are still very cheap compared to Malaysia.
So folks, do check out to purchase those lovely handbags.