Sunday, December 9, 2007

Kaki Joget...

I could not stop myself from repeating this video clip over and over again!.. (sampai tak jadi aku nak study...) Usually she made me or nenet... sometime abaji, join her on the floor... dan yg bestnye tu menari lagu nasyid kanak-kanak "Cintai Allah Cintai Islam".... aduii... apela nak jadi anak aku ni. But I myself like singing n dancing very much! *Karaoke tahap gaban!!... hehehee...* Like mother like daugher... muahahaha!

Lagi satu nak gelihati... I was downloading Fergie on "Big Girls Don't Cry", and the next day, masa tengah main-main tu, I heard her humming that song sambil pasang Lego. Tergezutt akakk!!... (padahal masa tgh download tu dia buat tak pot jerr...)
I asked "Hanna nyanyi lagu ape?"... heheheh dia terus tersipu2 *ketengi* menjawab "Lagu mak la...." hahahahaa... sejak bile aku jadi Fergie?! Pastu dia tukar lagu... "To the left... to the left..." lohhh.... Beyonce plak dahh?!!


ikhti said...

OMG...she's so cute...mcm2 jenis dance die wat...

Raz Zeera Gee said... comey lah num...tgh happylah tu...alhamdulillah...budak kalau happy cam tu seronot tgk :)

Hanum said...

itu lum tahap guling2 lagi tu ikhti...

kak gee.. tis is a part of nikmat Allah bagi kat kita as a parent... alhamdulillah... rasa best sgt kan?