Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Oh My God !!!....

OMG!!... MasyaAllah!!! SubhanaAllah!!... Astaghfirullah!!....
As I was looking at my account summary thru Internet Banking, suddenly my eyes became so terbuntang!!... I felt my heart stopped pumping for a while, and then started beating fast like crazy!!!.. Rasa mcm nak gugur jantung nih. I was panicked and overwhelmed... Not becaused some hacker or conman has robbed all the money in my account, (ade baper sen sgt pun kalo nak curi...) but ade terlebih banyak duit pulak dlm account akuh! Quite a huge sum, bukan takat 2-3 ribu...(huhuhuh... sib baik in RM... kot in USD ke... pound sterling kaa... lagi la gelap mata ku ini...).

Oh... adakah ini rezeki datang dari langit ?!! From the transaction detail, it seems like somebody has used a corporate desktop banking and transferred it to me. Obviously this is not from individuals yg nak kirim barang kat cni. I was so excited and wanted to wake Abaji up, but managed to refrain myself form doing that because it was 4.30 in the morning. So, I decided to tell him after subuh nanti and continued doing my assignments. Hehehhh... tak bleh concentrate nak wat keja pun... I was in the deep hard thinking and wondering where the source of that money came from. Dalam pada tu sempat berangan pulak tu, hhmmm... bleh employ private nurse utk mak ngan abah la mcm nih... kalo tak pun boleh employ maid Filipino utk diorang... kehhkehhhkehh... (sbb baru discuss ngan Hakim siang tadi pasal maid indon susah nak dapat).

Tapi mujur lah imanku yg senipis kulit bawang dan kewasaran akal fikiran masih mampu mematikan angan-angan mat jenin ku... (dah la tengah dok buat project paper pasal ethics in Islamic economics ni)... As I don't expect to receive any money from anyone at the moment, I think this must be a mistake. I've heard this kind of mistake happened, which the receiver had already used the money. The court ordered to return the money and the receiver got penalised some more for being dishonest . Since it has happen to others, it could be happening to me as well. The devil in me said... alahai... duit dah masuk dlm acct aku, jadi aku punye ler.... diam2 sudah le buat ape nak kecoh. Tapi hati ni terdetik... dpt duit banyak tak tau mana asal usulnye, tak berkat nanti tak guna juga....

So, trying to be an ethical person, I contacted the bank to verify the source and genuineness of that transaction and now it's under invastigation. * Ohh... Abaji skype from office, tanya bank dah reply blum... hhhmmm... he must be wandering also...*

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