I'm in deep emo right now... mix feeling of going back to Malaysia in a week time. Yes... so excited nak balik raya, jumpa everyone... but so sad I can no longer see and hug her forever. It's a huge lost in my life. Rindu yg tak boleh nak digambarkan... especially time2 Ramadhan ni... lagi la tangkap leleh bila layan lagu "My Mom is Amazing" nih... owh... sangat syahdu...
But I keep reminding myself she's my mom, but not my belonging. She belongs to Allah and I belong to Allah too. Everything in this world is a loan from God, when the time is up, it will be taken away.
Yes... she'll always be missed and always be remembered. Al-Fatihah...
What's important for me now is to focus on what has been granted to me. Agak terkilan dgn pengisian Ramadhan kali ini terlalu banyak dengan shopping dan agenda duniawi. Sedar2 dah towards the end of Ramadhan... huhuhuu.... May Allah forgive my sins and protect my journey home... nak balik ni... risau tak packing lagi... risau online orders tak sampai lagi ni... risau CIFP assignment berlambak... (sebulan definitely gone nak berfoya2 di M'sia... sempat ke siap??)... risau makcik kena duduk econ class sorang2 (dah le tak pandai cakap omputeh)... risau SIA boleh ke remind waktu solat mcm dlm MAS??... risau H1N1... hhmm biasanya Emak lah tempat meluahkan rasa dan kerisauan... :(