Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dugaan... :(

I was sick for the past few weeks.... being in front of the computer screen made my sickness even worse!

Apart from procrastination yg sememangnya salah aku sendiri... (slalu last minute...), I was not able to focus and continue writing on my PPP due to my sickness (chehh.. mcm2 la alasan!!).. kalau ade pun satu dua paragraph yg sgt slow progressnye!!

Lagi sadis when my laptop crashed 2 days before the PPP submission deadline... dikala warranty sudah lama expired...Oh!!! and again my mistake was not having the latest backup on important files in my external HD (which I usually do the backup every now and then except in the recent month!!...) darn!! darn!!! darnn!!!!

But the good news is... after paying $103 (ohh!! sengat giler!!) we managed to recover all the data in the hard drive... Yeayy!! Alhamdulillah... :D

Abaji bought the new lappy on the next day (beli laptop mcm beli ikan je kat pasar... tak pk panjang... sukati u la yanggg...). Got a pretty decent one for 500 bucks... sgt puas hati memandangkan ia adalah "laptop emergency". It took us a few days to transfer and download everything needed and be familiarized with Windows 7. Still... I'm missing our old entertainment notebook PC sebelum ni yg agak "happening" that had served us non stop day and nite for 3 yrs!!! It had enslaved itself without any problem sehingga tiba2 motherboard rosak!!... Nak replace kat sini agak tidak berbaloi... so tunggu lah balik Malaya to replace the new motherboard... Low Yatt plaza, sila tunggu kunjunganku....

And the BAD news is . . .















Hakak sudah terlepas deadline dan PPP itu masih blom siap utk dihantar hingga skarang!!! ala dekkk...alaalaa dekk!!!... aduii sakit balik.... huhuhuhu.... nanges :'(

I don't mind the penalty or mark deduction or anything... tp JANGAN LA AKU TAK GRAD TAHUN NI!!!!.... huhuhuhuuuu... nanges lagiii.... :'(

Sekian, cerita jiwa duka lara utk hari ni...

p/s utk diri sendiri yg selalu lupa dan tak sedar diri:

Rebut 5 perkara sebelum 5 perkara...
Muda sebelum tua...
Kaya sebelum miskin...
Hidup sebelum MATI...


Yummy Mummy said...

Mak noms, get well soon and tell me about procastination. Sometimes that disease hits me as well huhu. Best wishes XXX

Anonymous said...

go anyam Go anyam Go hanyanyammm.. all the best. best wishes and apeape lagi lahhh.. yg sewaktu ngannyer.. smuga strongggg ohkey. kuat semangatt dekkk ciayyyokk chayyyyoookk!

Hanum said...

YM & achik yayahooo - thanks dear!! *hugsss*

Anonymous said...

abih tu inceif still allow submission ke idak?

Anonymous said...

Amiable brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.