Friday, October 19, 2007

Hanna is the Happiest Little Girl....

The budak butat... perut buncit! ahakss....

She's happy because......

Mak is not working.... always at home... so Hanna boleh ngada2 lebeyy!!

Abaji spends more time with her nowadays :) !

She can walk in the park....

She has lots of friends here... and her best friend is Aiman

She can press the button at the elevator to the playroom (her must do activity....)

She can play with lots of toys in the playroom... sampai susah nak suruh balik... but Mak also likes the playroom too...

She can play in the little house...

She can cook on the wooden stove....

or the in the bigger kitchen....

riding rocking horse... zebra actually

building blocks....

ride on slides...

lepaks with the bear.....

ride the school bus.....

touch the doggie... (sambil berkata... "Ni tak najisss...")

ride the Hummer...

eat Capati... (her appetite has extremely increased in NY... coz of the weather... maybe?)

AND last but not least.......

..... her own toys from M'sia finally has arrived!! :)

Kakak Hanna tak reti duduk diam... padan muke... Mak dah potong rambut kakak senget!!


Raz Zeera Gee said...

so the comel si hana ni...seronok lah a heavenly play area...takde lah bersepah sgt rumah yek...he he he....anak2 i sure excited giler kalau dekat rumah ada play area camtu :) anyways...mmg bila dkt oversea ni...the quality time is much better...malaysia je yang takde life kan...masa ni u akan rasa best sgt2 nya berkeluarga....

Unknown said...

Cute nyer anak kau...tapi cam rupa sapa ek?? Heheh..tang mata tu ada la mata kau kot..Seronoknya ada tempat main2..kalau anak achik la, mmg tak nak balik dah tu..Hehe..So, bila plan second baby pulaksss?? (soalan cepu mas)...jawab..jgn tak jawab...hahaha...

Normala said...

Dang Anom, bila Abaji tgh peluk Hanna. Terus i teringat Darling i. Saling tak tumpah..sgtlah serupa muka merekakannnn... Sgtlah serupa... Baru baru Darling tgk blog u, dia cakap..mmg serupa sambil dia tersenyum senyum... Then again.. happy to see u have more time with the family. Selamat Hari Raya Dang Anom...

Hanum said...

ala achikk... den tak depek la nak menjwb soklan cepu emas itu.... bab tu kena tanya laki aku la...