Aku yg masih blur2 baru bangun tido dengan konfidennye menidakkan, "Ape lak b'day u.... hari ni bukan 10 hb...!!".
Nampak berubah muka dia, "Apsal 10 hb lak?... hari ni 8 hb, b'day I 8 hb la...!!"
Ya Allah... for the first time in my marriage life, i forgot hubby's birthday. Huhuhuuuhuuu.... aisehmen!!.. tepuk dahi... malu la pulak... i was totally forgot about his b'day. Since we came to NY, my mind was so boggled with my MBA application and GMAT exam (i did it badly... donch want to talk about it!) . I was so busy completing my application which the deadline was Oct 10. Itu pasal la dlm kepala asik ingat 10 hb ajer... sampai lupa semua tarikh penting yg lain. Felt sooo guilty and apologised to him... huhuhh... rasa mcm nak nagis jer... but dia maintain macho and cool.. relax jer... Kalau dia lupa b'day I, sure aku dah merajuk masam muke.... kwangg...kwang...kwanggg....
In the afternoon, followed Shelly (neighbour) buy her cooking stuff for raya... I didn't buy... tak tau nak beli ape pun... she showed me around... we went to Food Emporium, Kedai Korea, Gracious Home... i looked at things... all expensive here... especially I still have convert mentality in my mind... semua benda nak convert to RM.... pastu compared harga ngan Giant... mmg la sgt2 mahal!!!... That's the disadvantage duduk kat tgh2 bandar ni... kawasan elit la konon... huhhh.... tak kuasa....
8.30pm, neighbour atas datang... siap bawak kuehtiaw and tauhu rojak lagiks... Hanna tido time Maghrib... Anak2 Ucop & Shelly pun dah tido masa tu... but don't want them to miss the party...terpaksa kejut... hahaha... muka baru bangun tido..... klakarr... celebrated Abaji's birthday secara sederhana... but it was fun! hahahaa...
Semoga Abaji panjang umur... murah reseki dan diberkati Allah dunia akhirat.... Mak and Hanna love u so much!!!!
happy birthday abaji!! esoknya bday 'aunty erin' tau..!! hehehe..
happy bday 2 us!! mayb nnti bile u all dh blk cni, maknom bleh buat party utk kite 2org lak..??!! hehehe...!!!
Kesian Fairuz kak nom boleh terlupa birthday dia.. heikal macam boleh imagine the situation bila dia cakap 'today is my birthday'...pastu kaknom blur!hehe
Kaki hanna comel je tengok dalam gambar² yang kak nom post!
October 23, 2007 12:51 AM
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