Saturday, December 1, 2007

Great Breakaway!!

Hmm.. what else can I say except a big THANK YOU to my beloved Hubby (sbb bagi Mak ikut sama...)and the Payden&Rygel management (counterparty or fund manager or business associates... or whatever relationship u hv with BNM... i donch care!...) for the very warm hospitality and 1st class treatment!

The Lakers game was great (mana taknye... tengok live from VIP lounge. Yes!.. we got VIP ticket!). Just imagine the the shortest player in the court was 6'3".... and I thought I've married to a verrryyy tall guy... And with my super duper tiny asian size... aku rasa mcm semut jer lah if standing beside those players.

The dinner before the game was superb!.. We ate at the Palm... (again seafood fine dine) . But the environment and conversation this time was a bit more relax and informal... I like! Hahaha... rasa gelihati bila teringat how I was scrutinizing the menu and asked so many questions on what they pun in the food... (rasa mcm buat audit plak!). Diorang yg dah paham our restriction siap panggil cook lagi to customize the dishes according to our Muslim needs.

And while Abaji was working on the next day, Vera Lin the Portfolio Analyst volunteered to become my chauffeur.... memang terasa mcm mak datin pulak hari tu... siap ade driver lagiks. We went to the Getty Center for architecture and garden tours. Ingatkan boring... rupa2 nye best giler!! The place, the building, the gardens and surroundings were breathtakingly amazing!

On the 3rd day I made a quick tour to the Walt Disney Concert Hall... hhmm a very unique and brilliant architectural design indeed. After our farewell lunch with them... (fine dine again of course...) we went to Pasadena Old Town for shopping. We were looking for some souvenirs for Hanna and Shelly's boys but found nothing suitable. I got myself an LA blue baby-T and Abaji bought himself a very nice black stripe shirt from Guess... apa daa Abaji... Guess berlambak kat NY tanak beli... hmm.. tak tau nak beli ape... banyak outlet sama jer mcm kat NY... end up buying LA T-shirts for those kids kat airport before departure.

Kesimpulannye: I had an awesome breakway in LA's perfect weather!

Reached home by midnite.... omakk aiii.... cuaca in NY sejuk tak hingat!!... kakak Hanna was soundly asleep as we entered the door... and CIFP materials fresh from Malaysia awaited me at my desk!... ok.. esok start jadi budak skolah balik... hahahahaa...


Normala said...

Hanum... bila aku tgk gambar Abaji... muka dia saling x tumpah mcm muka darlin' aku... hihihiih ...x boleh tgk lelama...huwaaahhhh

Hanum said...

mala - eh! jgn tengok lelama... pelanduk dua serupa la malarr...

Raz Zeera Gee said...

canggih num ur getaway tu...bukan sensenang nak dpt can camtu...alhamdulillah...btw...itu bag u pakai manyak cantik amacam? still in the honeymoon mood ke?

Hanum said...

kak gee - ala.. tu beg murah jer beli time Oh! Sale Sogo... Beg Polo discount 60% dapat la dlm RM159... tp i suke kaler dia yg off white and brown... bleh match ngan banyak koleksi baju i.. very practical sbb banyak compartment dan tak berapa formal sgt.