Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year :)

Goodbye 2007... Welcome 2008! It's 12:04 midnight now and as I'm writing this, I heard a celebration is going on outside. Kat Central Park maybe... just around 15 mins walk from our home. Dengan gendangnye... sirens... fireworks... Quite a big party I guess... teringin jugak nak tengok secara live how these mat saleh and mat gagak people celebrate it... As usual Abaji refused to bring me there.
Reason being...
  • Cold (of course lah... winter what...)
  • Ngantukss... (more to malas actually tuu... tgh layan movie ape tah kat tv tu..)
  • Not secured... "drunken people ramai... berasak2... mat saleh ni besar2... jadi ape2 nanti susah... u dah la kecik" (hhmm.. that's sound he cares...)
But the actual fact is that... HE JUST HATES CROWDED PLACES (a.k.a anti social... ehekss). So dengar diorang berparty dari dalam rumah jer lah. Rumah kitorang at level 6, keliling kiri kanan building 30 -40 tingkat... so we barely see anything from our window except building blocks!!!...

New Year Eve @ Time Square Manhattan... as seen on TV


Raz Zeera Gee said...

betul lah abaji tu cakap num oiii...he cares sebenarnya...this reminds me...when i was in london last year...masa nak masuk new year 2007...teringin gak nak tgk...but amie tak bagi..dgn anak2 plak tu....drunken people can be very the dangerous one u know....anyways...saudi tak celeb new year...haram they all kata...maybe ada betulnya...but all depends on niat i guess...take care...thanks for the wii points sis....

Hanum said...

Btul2... bercampur laki pompuan bukan muhrim pun dah haram... lagi pulak nk menyambut thn baru kapir... Itu lah hikmahnye mendapat hubby yg mcm tu ;) Syukur Alhamdulillah...